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ID-DMS Enterprise Document Management

Small and powerful enterprise document management system for large enterprises


For small and large businesses "powerful enterprise document management system"
dovnload.co.uk Editor: ID-DMS corporate document management system, the new generation, combined with state-of-art frameworks and technologies. ID-DMS and Society in the release of Alfresco, bug fixes, customization, extensions and many of the hardware is based on the IDSignet.

ID-DMS is a powerful enterprise document management systems, support thousands of users from small distribution, a single large distribution warehouse to manage millions of documents a few users. ID-DMS Office documents, images, graphics, audio, video, etc. All documents, including a managed video content designed with a built-in streaming server. ID-DMS is a good cooperation platform, forum, video and audio conferencing, electronic white board, group, online voting, online meetings, etc.

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Traditionally, enterprise document management system built with an army of IT specialists to implement so you need a complex. ID-DMS smaller and medium-sized businesses can implement so simple. In fact, you can install in about five minutes.

Companies and the corporate document management system, law firms, accounting and auditing firms, financial service firms, advertising companies, R & D department with consulting firms in the section, marketing department, quality control department, technical support department, outsourcing firms, industrial design firms public institutions.

Cost: U.S. $ 1000 bid for 20 users (more users to search for)

download free ID-DMS Enterprise Document Management 3.3.0 now.

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